Got your Snorkel?

A client of mine said to me “Kay, it’s as if I need a snorkel at the moment – so many waves of so many things coming at me!”

Can you relate to that too?  I know I can.  

I’ve quoted my client saying that to me to many women this week and ALL have nodded in agreement.

  • There’s the sense of ‘Opening up’ and getting things going again
  • There’s the year-end push – here we are in Q4
  • There’s a year that’s felt very ‘samey‘ in places and suddenly, whoosh – we’re in October!
  • There’s opportunity, promotions, new roles and restructures going on for so many clients – it’s head spinning.

With all that flux – and you’ll have your own version of it too , more than ever it’s key to have your own version of a ‘snorkel’ ~ a short curved tube for a swimmer to breathe through while keeping the face under water.

  • Consider where you can build in key time for yourself to breathe. 
  • To take stock.  
  • To get outside and be with nature.  
  • To do something or start something you love – or want to start to do… 
  • Instead of rush, rush, hurry, hurry on to the next thing…

This very week I’ve learned another lesson about slowing down.  My sister, niece and I were moving swiftly back to the car having had a snoop around our local shops.  We were on our way to have our nails done together…

Out of the corner of my eye I spotted Bill & Jean.  

Bill is 88 and is wife Jean 85.  Bill used to run a company collecting and coordinating Ironing (so for me he was always a superhero…).

I had that moment where I spotted them before they saw me and said to myself  “Oh gosh we’re going to be late if we stop to talk to Bill & Jean”  Then.  I also said “And you haven’t seen them for so long, you can’t just pass by.

We stopped.  We had a few laughs together and elbow bumped each other and were so pleased to see each other.  It was only for 5 minutes…

Jean died on Sunday.  Suddenly, a heart attack.

I know seeing us didn’t make a huge difference to her but it made a huge difference to Claire, Grace and me.  

We had stopped.  Taken a little time.  Given our attention to two very special people.

Sobering I know .  But it’s also meant to inspire you too.  It has me.  

  • Take those moments when you think you haven’t got time
  • Give yourself the gift of a little break and slow down
  • Tell someone how important they are to you (I told Jean how I still missed her sewing skills)
  • Remember you never know.  Those moments in time are literally moments  and we just don’t know how many we have…nor those around us.

So.  Snorkel (or surf) on.  Breathe as the waves crash over you and carve out time to step away – or swim away… 

 In other news…


We had my sis and niece plus their men to stay this weekend and much laughter, Champagne, Chablis, Board Games and hounds (5 in all, our 3 and my sister’s 2) were involved.  Precious times.  Not to be taken for granted…

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