In the middle of it all

In 2013 I decided to host my first ever 3 Day Live Event.  A baptism by fire if ever there was one.

  • I was so nervous I thought my knees would give way
  • I was off course and had too many slides and not enough time
  • slapped my thigh (what?!) which was a bit of a nervous tick until my husband Snowy told me “stop that thigh slapping now!”  I did.
  • felt the responsibility of inviting all the women who’d attended and it made me feel sick AND excited (a bit like a rollercoaster ride does)

So, right now, I’m right in the middle of hosting a one-day Live Virtual Event called Be More Self-ish and you may well be with us in the audience !  

This will be my 13th Live Event and it is likely to be my last…for sometime if not ever.  My own life, focus, commitments, ambitions have shifted and to create space for that is ‘what’s next‘ for me now!

But – in the meantime, I know how much love, energy, excitement and commitment I will be pouring in to today.  And our audience will do the same .  I’ve learned how to create a safe, inspiring and sparkly space and it’s a rare cocktail to gently mix up…

Oh and it’s 100% guaranteed that there will be moments where

  • I’m off course and need to pull us back on track
  • I get – and women in the audience get – emotional about what we’re speaking about
  • The tech pixies may play nasty with us but we will keep going
  • Moments of inspiration will hit me and I’ll say something unplanned but trust it’s right on time
  • And a myriad of other things which spark up when you put yourself out there .

A precious Mentor of mine back in the day – Andrea J Lee – said to me during my first live event “Once you’ve expanded in this way Kay, you won’t contract…you stay expanded“.  

You do .  She was right and here I am on that first BIG stage in 2013.  You can’t see my knees knocking…

So.  Do look at how you’re stretching yourself – or if you are.

Taking measured and consistent risks and expanding by stretching yourself towards what YOU want keeps you on your toes and keeps you moving your career, your life, your energy forwards….(it is after all why I named my Companies “Way Forward Solutions Ltd” & “Way Forward Coaching Ltd”)

Until soon, I hope you pay attention to your precious life energy and focus .  Neither of us know how much we have nor for how long.

 In other news…


After prepping for the Event I crashed on the sofa with a hug-full of hounds! 😁

Douglas was 8 months old this weekend and this is still one of my fave photos of him.  He’s now twice the size of long-suffering Jeffrey but they still have great tear-ups together!

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